Missy Gregory, Viking Woman!

Missy Gregory, Viking Woman!
Do Viking Women Run?!?

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

DAMN, That Was Close!!

Hell!! That was a little too close for comfort. You know what I mean. I've heard the stories from others, and now I can say I have experienced that for myself...the extreme need to use the bathroom while out on a walk/run. Oh sure, it starts out as a little tease. A little stomach gurgle. Is that gas or a sign of things to come? No worries, just keep running. Then they come like the contractions of a woman about to give birth, regularly and closer and closer together. I turn around to head for home. Am I too far? How will I possibly make it? I try to monitor if my faster running is making the cramps come faster or if I can time it to make it home before disaster strikes. Wonder if those neighbors would mind my taking a dump in their bushes. Gross, right? Seriously!! Keep running. Please don't let me see anyone I know, as I'm pretty sure that my form (with my ass sticking out and my legs squeezed together) will give away my serious predicament. Keep focused! Stay determined. I develop tunnel vision and start saying some prayers. "Please dear baby Jesus, please let me make it home before I crap myself! PLEASE!!" The painters are at my house and have blocked the front door, so I have to go all the way around an in through the back patio door. Crap! I didn't account for that delay. By the time I enter the house my legs are literally crossed and I'm hobbling through the house. But, Praise God! I made it just in the nick of time. Shaking and exhausted I'm so glad I have my bodybugg on because I'm positive that I burned twice as many calories on todays run. Lord help me, I hope they have port-a-potties set up about every 10 feet at Disneyland's 5K.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

New Toy

Look what I got for myself as a reward for working out for four weeks. It is the BodyMedia Fit CORE Armband. It is supposed to keep track of how many calories I burn each day. I enter in the food that I eat and it should keep me on track for my new healthy lifestyle goal. A couple of years ago I looked into getting the BodyBugg but it was pretty expensive. This was $150 on Amazon and then I pay a monthly membership fee to have access to their program. I like it because it is so small and doesn't bother me too much to wear it. I also like that it is able to show me literally minute by minute how active I am. It even show sleep patterns and how often you wake up during the night.

I did another 3 minute run today. It felt pretty good. I still couldn't do the second 3 minute run and had to stop early, but that's ok. I know I will get there and I am really trying to enjoy this journey. This was the perfect time of year to start because our weather is so damn beautiful. I am a little worried about a couple of things. What will I do when we go on vacations? What will I do when it starts getting hot? I know that I would like to eventually add in some swimming because I am a good swimmer and I love swimming but thats not running.... I need a plan for the vacation concern because I leave for spring break in 15 days. Yippee. I guess if I need to, I can always use the hotel tread mill. I will need to remember to pack work out clothes. :)

Another day down. I'm feeling really good mentally and am happy to feel myself getting stronger physically.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A New Outfit for a New Day

OMG! Today was hard. First off, I forgot my damn sunglasses again! What is up with that? Second, I couldn't breathe. Breathing is important for running and walking and living. When I can't breathe I feel like I am in outer space; I'm not really aware of my surroundings. I'm sure this is a phenomenon that happens when there is no oxygen in your brain. The reason this occurred today is because I ran three 1 1/2 minute runs and one 3 minute run!! Yes, I ran 3 whole minutes without stopping. I rock!!

I knew today was going to be a huge challenge so I thought it would be appropriate to wear a new outfit. I think I looked pretty cute in my light pink hoodie and new black pants from the Walmart. whoot woo.

I Kept My Power!

I would also like to report that I kept my power this weekend even though I shared my plan with my spouse. I told my wonderful husband that I had been keeping a deep, dark, secret from him. That I have been walk/running AND that I had been doing it for three whole weeks AND that I started a blog to keep track of my progress AND that I had signed up for a Disneyland 5K!!!!! He said he is proud of me, that he knew something was up, but didn't know what and that he wished I had asked him to join me. I explained that I would have liked to have asked him to join me, but that I was afraid he would "steal my power" and that this was about ME, not us or him. It is about me taking control. About me stepping up to a challenge. About me wanting to feel better about myself. About me setting boundaries for myself and others. He understood. He is good that way. He said he would like to start using the app and I told him I would be happy to help him with that whenever he is ready. I still haven't shared this with very many people. Just the ones I am close to and the ones that I think will support me.

So, that's what's up with me. I am still trying and still taking one step at a time because I am worth it.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Strongest Day Yet

I did not hesitate at all to go out and do my runs. I'm not sure if I'm getting stronger, building my lung capacity, just getting used to the pain or all of it. Probably a little of each. I am more than a little happy to report that today was my strongest day yet. I ran the entire minute and a half of 5 of my 6 runs and went a hair over two miles today which is my longest yet. Sounds pitiful to say it out loud...oooh, I ran 1 1/2 whole minutes without stopping. Haha but it really is amazing when just three weeks ago I couldn't even run one crappy minute without stopping. Wow. I can't wait to see how this journey progresses. Yay for me.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Yes, this was my mantra that I was thinking about today as I ran. I know that I am beautiful in my own way. I don't think many others can get past the curves to see it, but it's in there. Hopefully I will drop the pounds and people will be able to see the me that I see.

I also know that I am strong and will continue to grow stronger with each workout.

I am still sick and have adjusted my workouts a little. I also think that realistically I'm not going to be able to keep pace with the C25K program the way it is set up. Luckily I read the "how to use the c25k program" and it gave some really good tips on pushing yourself and if it is too hard going back to the previous week until you build up more endurance. So, I have a plan (until I need to make an alternate plan). I am going to try to make the program twice as long by doing each week for two weeks. If I am able to accomplish this, I should be running 30 minutes straight the first week of June. That will give me 3 months until the Disney 5K to work on speed.

I am beautiful and I am strong and I am taking one day at a time, one minute at a time and one foot in front of the other.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

It's Official

It's official, I have entered my very first race. It is the Disneyland Family Fun-run 5K. I can't believe I entered it. I even got the pin.(squeal) I am so excited and a little scared.

Happy "V" Day to Me

Happy Valentines Day to you and Happy Valentines Day to me too!

That's what I kept thinking as I was out walk/running today. I find it funny that I actually was looking forward to going out and running today. I really do want to start thinking of myself more and taking care of myself more as well. I'm worth it, I deserve it and I'm just sad that it took 42 years for me to get with the program.

Speaking of programs, I started the second leg of the training today and am amazed that I was able to run most of the 1 1/2 minute runs. I hit the wall as usual right at the middle two runs and stopped early. But the last two were great.

It is sprinkling out today so I left the hound at home (much to her doggy chagrin) because I am always afraid that it will be slippery and I will fall. I like having her with me, but I think that I like running better without her. I can focus on myself a little more and not worry about her wanting to stop and smell the roses all the damn time.

I had a dream last night that my stomach was totally flat! HA! That would (think positive...will) be awesome!!!

Now to stretch. I'm feeling kinda tight today so I better do a little stretching.

Monday, February 13, 2012

To Run or Not to Run...That is the Question

Yesterday I woke up feeling like crap. Well not like crap but not good either. I just don't feel well. I feel like I can't breath. I have a dry cough. I'm fighting something. Should I run, or is it better to take the day off? The problem is that I didn't run the day before and I AM NOT REPEATING MY RESET!

So I decided to run but not push myself too hard. I ran and "speed walked". I have to admit that I am uber proud of myself for going even though I didn't feel well. And as Debbie predicted, I did feel much better when I was done. (for a while) I was also very suprised that the speed walking was much more difficult than I thought it would be. In fact, I think that the speed walking was actually more difficult than the running. hmmmm, I think that will be an alternate day activity that I can add to my bike riding.

I'm so happy that I decided to go. Now I am ready to start on the next leg of training. I feel like I'm strong enough and ready mixed with a healthy dose of scared. I need to remember one day at a time, one foot in front of the other. I can do this.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Apps Are Everything!

I've gotta say that technology is wonderful. I'm using my iPhone and several apps to get this party started. When I'm ready to begin I open iTunes and decide which play list I want to listen to for the day. Then I open iMapMyWALK app. It is a GPS program that keeps track of where I go, how far I go, how long it takes me and the calories I burned. It is really cool. I love looking at the map after I'm done to see exactly where I was since I feel like my brain is on hold while I'm working out. Finally I open my Get Running app. This is the c25k app that leads me literally minute by minute through my workout for the day. The "British Bitch" as I lovingly call her counts down how many seconds until I start running and stop running and how many runs I have left. I think she laughed at me today. It is also a very cool app that I don't think I could live without. Honestly, I could live without it, but I couldn't run without it.

The final app you might notice is a new app that I got for myself. It is the Countdown app. It is counting down the days until my 5k that I am planning on signing up for. It is the 5k at Disneyland on September 1st. I'm very excited to do it. I needed to have something to strive for and I am a Disneylover. I love all things Disney! Last year when we were at Disneyland I noticed some kind of race happening. I had no idea that they host 1/2 marathons, 5k's and other family fun run type things. So, when I was trying to come up with something that I wanted to do to prove I could run a 5k and to reward myself at the same time, this seemed like a perfect match. My friend Julann is going to run it with me. I love her! She is a great role model and has already been running for a while. I hope I don't let her down and can do this.


Reset Day 1

Damn! damn damn damndamn it. I had to reset my running program because I didn't have a chance to run at all this past weekend because it was too busy and over-scheduled. I didn't think I would be able to run the additional 30 seconds, so I decided to start over. So I started over and it sucked. I ran at 2:30 in the afternoon, which I believe is not the best time of day for my internal clock. It was hot, the sun was in my eyes .... I know I know whah whahh. This whole experience is a learning experience, right? So maybe it was a good thing that I started over. I learned that I don't want to skip a run and I learned that I should not run in the middle of the afternoon.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 2 - Is This Hell?

Ok. I have to admit, I didn’t go into todays walk/run as excited as the first day. Lesson learned…Mental note – Get yourself geared up, psyched up, excited or whatever before you begin your walk/run. Honestly, I did great the first four one minute runs. I ran the whole time without even stopping early which I though was fucking amazing!! But then it happened. I hit the wall. It was pretty much a brick wall. I don’t know if it had to do with my fear of falling and not wanting to run on the wet cement that the sprinklers sprayed causing me to loose what little focus I had today or if I just used up all my mojo on the first four runs. I did rebound and ran my entire 8th run. My 6th, and 7th runs felt like Hell. And of course, as I’m doing the running portion, I think posative thoughts like “I’m going to hell if I don’t start acting right and treating my kids and husband better”….”this is probably exactly what hell is like, running, hauling around my big fat ass with the sun in my eyes”. Now I know why runners wear those running hats with visors and sun glasses…So the damn sun isn’t always in your eyes sucking out valuable energy that you need to focus on running. The walking part is fine. I know how to walk and catch my breath at the same time. :)

I declare that I am proud of myself. I did the second day and I’m still alive. Can’t decide if I like Dayzee running with me or not. She’s fine most of the time, but if she sees a bird she wants to catch it and 99% of the time that’s not where I’m going. The best part of this is finishing and being able to put down how many calories I used in my app on my phone. Today I used 190 Cal. Wheeee

I am strong. I can do this. I can become an unlikely runner. One foot in front of the other.

Day 1 - C25K

Ok. Today is the day. The first day of a new journey I have been thinking about for a while. I’m not promising myself anything other than “I will try”. I have always been amazed and perplexed by people that run. 5k, 10k, half marathon, full marathon and triathlons.

I have also been thinking that if I want to enjoy a long life, I need to loose some weight. Let’s not kid ourselves…I need to loose a lot of weight. It’s a lifestyle change kind of thing, not an eat less exercise more kind of thing. Although I’m sure the later will be part of the plan.

So, I’m gonna think more about me. Set more boundaries for myself and others. Say “no” when I’m not 100% confident that the answer should be yes and put one foot in front of the other and run. God, the running part sounds horrible and I will need to retrain my brain to think this is a good idea. I have decided that the c25k program (couch to five kilometers) program is worthy. At this point I can barely imagine running the one minute comfortably much less a 5k or more, but I’m gonna take it one day at a time.

January 31,2012