This is my journey to a healthy mind and body. My learning to take care of myself so that I can take care of others. My learning to set boundaries for myself and others. My journey to learn to run one minute at a time, one foot in front of the other. No promises, except that I will try. (if you want to read in chronological, time order, start at the bottom and read up)
Missy Gregory, Viking Woman!

Do Viking Women Run?!?
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Christmas is in the air
Today is my last day off by myself before my kids are off with me. The sun is out and it is another beautiful day. I think I have everything done that I need to accomplish before they are off with me messing up my house and eating all the food. Oh, that does remind me, I need to hide some cookies and oreo balls so that we will have some for our Gregory Christmas up in Showlow later next week. If I don't, the kids, husband and possibly dogs will eat up all my hard work.
Speaking of dogs, my dogs ate my special Godiva dark chocolate candy bar that I had started eating and put down just for a nano second last night. I am upset and worried that one or both of my hounds will have chocolate poisoning, but I am more upset that my special treat was inhaled before I even knew what was going on. C'mon!! It was Godiva. They were probably exacting revenge on me for forcing them to wear the reindeer antlers for a recent photo shoot. In fact, I think if you look into Dayzee's eyes, you can almost hear her thinking "I will get you back when you least expect it."
Yesterday we made a big double batch of these awesomely thin and crisp Heath bit sugar cookies. These are definitely the easiest cookie to make and everyone loves them. Brian took a bunch into work and I will give some to our neighbors and we will have a few left for Christmas. Today we will do more baking, but first I need to make a dreaded trip to the grocery store. I have a love hate relationship with the grocery store. I'm fine when I'm there but I hate going and checking out and schlepping everything to my car. Enough said. It is a necessary evil.
Another necessary evil this time of year is wrapping gifts... ugh... double ughh... I do not care for that job at all. In a previous life, I was a professional gift wrapper at Mervyn's. I can wrap me a mean gift, but that doesn't mean I have to like doing it.
Joy to the world. Happy Holidays. Merry Christmas. Enjoy your family traditions and have a great time remembering the reason for the season.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Here we are waiting to start the Hot Chocolate 5k. It was cold, but not unbearable. We found the location and were parked in no time at all. Very smooth considering there were about 7,000 of us.
I am super proud of my 12 year old daughter, Cassi, who ran her first 5k. She did great and came in 108th in her age group.
My friends Debbie and Cherame rocked the race and both ran the whole way!
Kristi, her daughter Madi, Hannah and I took the walk/run or run/walk approach. I came in 404th out of 470 in my age group. Nothing to brag about, but I'm happy that I was able to run part of it, didn't stop and give up when I really wanted to AND I wasn't last, which is my biggest fear.
I have to say that the little training that I did do for the Disneyland 5k really helped because I did absolutely no training this time and I could tell. It felt harder. I think part of this feeling was mental, I mean, who wouldn't want to run through Disneyland? In September I knew my way around. I knew when I was about 1/2 way done. I knew when I was close to the end. For this 5k I had no idea where I was going or where I had been and I haven't developed an internal clock to gauge the distance.
Luckily my friend Hannah was with me. She had a fancy watch on and could tell how we were doing. She was also super sweet and supportive and told me what a great job I did after each run segment. This sweetness I will accept, because it helped offset all the negative self talk that streams through my brain.
The best part about this race? Three things immediately come to mind: good friends, no blisters and chocolate and dancing at the finish line. :)
Do Viking women run? Sometimes...
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Saturday, December 8, 2012
Will Run for Chocolate
Bright and early tomorrow morning when it won't be bright because it will be so early that it will still be dark Cassi and I will do the Hot Chocolate 5k with a bunch of friends. It will be awesome. Cold, but awesome. We need to keep our eyes on the prize. The mouth wateringly delicious chocolate that awaits us at the finish line. I'm excited. I haven't trained at all, but it will be fine because I know I can walk/run it.
Good luck to everyone going out tomorrow. I hope there's enough parking for all 10,000 of us.
Now if you will excuse me. I need to go look at the map one more time. Get my outfit out and ready. Make sure I have everything I need and crash.
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Monday, December 3, 2012
Another weekend bites
What happened to my weekend!?! Seriously? It's gone and I didn't get anything done.
No shopping (except for our photo shoot), no cookies, no Christmas decorations, no Christmas tree. :(
Don't get me wrong. I had a good weekend but had been feeling anxious and in need of a break. Friday night we had a tamale fund raiser at Cassi's school. Saturday we had our interior designer come over for a consult on getting our master bedroom started. Then we shopped for clothes for our photo shoot on Sunday, Brian and Cami went to the circ de soleil matinee, then we went out for dinner/drinks/dancing for my neighbors birthday. Sunday we got up and ready for our photo shoot. We went do beautiful downtown chandler for that. I am so happy with a service trade I did with a friend who is a photographer. I made a cake for her daughters birthday and she did some family photographs for us. Then we got Bosa donuts (one of my fav things) and went home and worked on a big school project for Calvin. Dog training, dinner and ready for bed. Sounds glamorous, right? Not. In out of breath just thinking about it.
Yep, that's what happened this weekend.
I am happy to report that I am feeling much more relaxed this week.
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Wednesday, November 28, 2012 is Awesome
Winner winner chicken dinner
What would I do with all that money? Even though the chances of winning are astronomically low, it's still fun to dream. Dreams of being debt free, dreams of my family and friends being debt free. Dreams of buying some property and building a compound of homes for us and our friends to live. Complete with basement homes and a central rec area and a fabulous pool, outdoor kitchen, large grassy area and guest house for our extended families. (Why yes, i have been thinking about this quite a lot) Dreams of trips and traveling the world. An Amazing Race all our own. Educating our children through travel. Learning about different cultures and people, their great would that be?
Donating my time and money. Who and where would I decide to give to? Needy families? School districts in need? Homeless animals? Children that need to be adopted? Frustrating. Not enough time or money even if I were rich.
Who will win? I think it's always interesting to see who the lucky winner will be. I have a plan to skip town until I find myself a great accountant/lawyer to help me out with the fine details. Would we need to disappear or could we just continue with life as if nothing out of the ordinary happened? WOULD we want to continue our lives?
So many things to think of if I were a winner winner chicken dinner.
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Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Baby's Got a New Pair of Shoes
Monday, November 26, 2012
Test Post
I also wanted to post a motivating picture for my next 5k.
And one more for good measure.
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Ok Ok. How I feel about it.
I was extremely worried that I would get "swept". Disney posts all over the place about how you must maintain a 15 minute mile. Yeah, I didn't know if I could do that even though I am able to walk. ha Well, I am happy to report that I did not get swept and I figured out that I finished the 5k in about 40 minutes. I didn't look at the time clock when I actually walked accross the start line to know my time once I crossed the finish line, but it was pretty close to 40 minutes. I walked and ran. There were times that I knew I would walk, like going up hills. There were times when we were forced to walk, like the bottle neck through the castle. I followed my friend Hannah's advice and paced myself with a couple people around me. I would pass them and then they would pass me and then I would pass them. It was cool. I really enjoyed myself. I am very proud of myself. I am doing another 5k in a couple of weeks and best part is that they will give me chocolate at the end. Cool, huh?
Friday, November 16, 2012
I Did It! (long)
It was a nice relaxing ride, as I didn't need to do anything but sit in the back seat and buy gas.
Once we arrived to the hotel and got settled in, Julann and Sky joined us. We walked over to the Disneyland Hotel to pick up our bibs. I was very excited and was very happy to see my name printed on my bib. I got my pin and we went up to the expo to see all the cool running stuff that they have available. We all got hairbands and some free stuff to fill our bags. It was fun.
Once we got back to our hotel, we got everything pinned and prepped for the next morning (which came way to early). It was time for bed. I was excited and nervous and hoped that I drank enough water. Luckily I fell straight to sleep.
Once we were dressed and ready to go, my nerves really started to set in. What if I was so slow that they "swept" me? What if I were the last one to cross the finish line? What if I couldn't do it and wasn't able to cross the finish line? These were all thoughts running through my head. Julann kept me grounded and kept telling me it would be a breeze. She said it would be fine even if I needed to walk the entire race. She said "look at that old lady and that little kid...surely you can beat them". She built up my confidence. I love her. Kendra and Kara came to support us and watch over Cassi while we were running. That was awesome since I didn't register Cassi in time and the race was full before I could do it. (there is always next year)
I took pictures and had a huge smile on my face. We went out for a celebratory breakfast complete with Mimosas.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
30 Days!
I downloaded the final instructions and printed off the waiver and made my hotel reservations and am working on transportation. I got a lot done today. I will go three miles tonight to see how long it takes me. I will work all month to get ready for the 5k. I can do it!!
Holy crap! It's 30 days away.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Trying Does Not Equal Giving Up
Monday, March 12, 2012
Ummm, Yeah
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
One More Day
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Oh. My. Hell. (on so many levels)
Friday, March 2, 2012
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
DAMN, That Was Close!!
Thursday, February 23, 2012
New Toy

Tuesday, February 21, 2012
A New Outfit for a New Day
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Strongest Day Yet
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
It's Official
Happy "V" Day to Me
Monday, February 13, 2012
To Run or Not to Run...That is the Question
So I decided to run but not push myself too hard. I ran and "speed walked". I have to admit that I am uber proud of myself for going even though I didn't feel well. And as Debbie predicted, I did feel much better when I was done. (for a while) I was also very suprised that the speed walking was much more difficult than I thought it would be. In fact, I think that the speed walking was actually more difficult than the running. hmmmm, I think that will be an alternate day activity that I can add to my bike riding.
I'm so happy that I decided to go. Now I am ready to start on the next leg of training. I feel like I'm strong enough and ready mixed with a healthy dose of scared. I need to remember one day at a time, one foot in front of the other. I can do this.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Apps Are Everything!
Reset Day 1
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Day 2 - Is This Hell?
Ok. I have to admit, I didn’t go into todays walk/run as excited as the first day. Lesson learned…Mental note – Get yourself geared up, psyched up, excited or whatever before you begin your walk/run. Honestly, I did great the first four one minute runs. I ran the whole time without even stopping early which I though was fucking amazing!! But then it happened. I hit the wall. It was pretty much a brick wall. I don’t know if it had to do with my fear of falling and not wanting to run on the wet cement that the sprinklers sprayed causing me to loose what little focus I had today or if I just used up all my mojo on the first four runs. I did rebound and ran my entire 8th run. My 6th, and 7th runs felt like Hell. And of course, as I’m doing the running portion, I think posative thoughts like “I’m going to hell if I don’t start acting right and treating my kids and husband better”….”this is probably exactly what hell is like, running, hauling around my big fat ass with the sun in my eyes”. Now I know why runners wear those running hats with visors and sun glasses…So the damn sun isn’t always in your eyes sucking out valuable energy that you need to focus on running. The walking part is fine. I know how to walk and catch my breath at the same time.
I declare that I am proud of myself. I did the second day and I’m still alive. Can’t decide if I like Dayzee running with me or not. She’s fine most of the time, but if she sees a bird she wants to catch it and 99% of the time that’s not where I’m going. The best part of this is finishing and being able to put down how many calories I used in my app on my phone. Today I used 190 Cal. Wheeee
I am strong. I can do this. I can become an unlikely runner. One foot in front of the other.
Day 1 - C25K
Ok. Today is the day. The first day of a new journey I have been thinking about for a while. I’m not promising myself anything other than “I will try”. I have always been amazed and perplexed by people that run. 5k, 10k, half marathon, full marathon and triathlons.
I have also been thinking that if I want to enjoy a long life, I need to loose some weight. Let’s not kid ourselves…I need to loose a lot of weight. It’s a lifestyle change kind of thing, not an eat less exercise more kind of thing. Although I’m sure the later will be part of the plan.
So, I’m gonna think more about me. Set more boundaries for myself and others. Say “no” when I’m not 100% confident that the answer should be yes and put one foot in front of the other and run. God, the running part sounds horrible and I will need to retrain my brain to think this is a good idea. I have decided that the c25k program (couch to five kilometers) program is worthy. At this point I can barely imagine running the one minute comfortably much less a 5k or more, but I’m gonna take it one day at a time.
January 31,2012