Missy Gregory, Viking Woman!

Missy Gregory, Viking Woman!
Do Viking Women Run?!?

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Apps Are Everything!

I've gotta say that technology is wonderful. I'm using my iPhone and several apps to get this party started. When I'm ready to begin I open iTunes and decide which play list I want to listen to for the day. Then I open iMapMyWALK app. It is a GPS program that keeps track of where I go, how far I go, how long it takes me and the calories I burned. It is really cool. I love looking at the map after I'm done to see exactly where I was since I feel like my brain is on hold while I'm working out. Finally I open my Get Running app. This is the c25k app that leads me literally minute by minute through my workout for the day. The "British Bitch" as I lovingly call her counts down how many seconds until I start running and stop running and how many runs I have left. I think she laughed at me today. It is also a very cool app that I don't think I could live without. Honestly, I could live without it, but I couldn't run without it.

The final app you might notice is a new app that I got for myself. It is the Countdown app. It is counting down the days until my 5k that I am planning on signing up for. It is the 5k at Disneyland on September 1st. I'm very excited to do it. I needed to have something to strive for and I am a Disneylover. I love all things Disney! Last year when we were at Disneyland I noticed some kind of race happening. I had no idea that they host 1/2 marathons, 5k's and other family fun run type things. So, when I was trying to come up with something that I wanted to do to prove I could run a 5k and to reward myself at the same time, this seemed like a perfect match. My friend Julann is going to run it with me. I love her! She is a great role model and has already been running for a while. I hope I don't let her down and can do this.


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