I haven't been keeping up with my blog. I'm sorry. I will try harder. I love to blog but have been so crazy busy since the 5k that I haven't even had the time to update on what happened.
I brought my daughter Cassi with me to watch the Disneyland 5k. I think she had fun. I rode over with my two nieces, Kendra and Kara, who ran the 1/2 the following they. They ROCK!
It was a nice relaxing ride, as I didn't need to do anything but sit in the back seat and buy gas.
Once we arrived to the hotel and got settled in, Julann and Sky joined us. We walked over to the Disneyland Hotel to pick up our bibs. I was very excited and was very happy to see my name printed on my bib. I got my pin and we went up to the expo to see all the cool running stuff that they have available. We all got hairbands and some free stuff to fill our bags. It was fun.
We then went and had dinner in downtown Disney. The weather was so beautiful that we were able to eat outside. Something we aren't able to enjoy very often in Arizona. As we were walking back to our hotel for the evening we watched the fireworks light up the night sky. I love Disneyland and am so happy that I chose this venue for my first 5k experience.
Once we got back to our hotel, we got everything pinned and prepped for the next morning (which came way to early). It was time for bed. I was excited and nervous and hoped that I drank enough water. Luckily I fell straight to sleep.
Once we were dressed and ready to go, my nerves really started to set in. What if I was so slow that they "swept" me? What if I were the last one to cross the finish line? What if I couldn't do it and wasn't able to cross the finish line? These were all thoughts running through my head. Julann kept me grounded and kept telling me it would be a breeze. She said it would be fine even if I needed to walk the entire race. She said "look at that old lady and that little kid...surely you can beat them". She built up my confidence. I love her. Kendra and Kara came to support us and watch over Cassi while we were running. That was awesome since I didn't register Cassi in time and the race was full before I could do it. (there is always next year)

We got in line like a giant group of heifers and waited for the starting gun. There were A LOT OF PEOPLE! The first group of racers were allowed to start. We were held back to give them time to spread out. Finally it was time for us to start!! I could see Mickey and Minnie urging us on at the Start line. THERE WERE A LOT OF PEOPLE! We crossed the starting line....but we were still walking...THERE WERE A LOT OF PEOPLE! Finally, the crowd loosened up a little and we were able to start jogging. I was a little frustrated by the walkers and trying to dodge my way around them. I tried to focus and be present in the moment. I was running my first 5k, this was supposed to be fun. I followed my friend Hannah's advice and paced myself with the people in front of me. There was a group of us that kept pace with each other. We took turns passing the crowd and falling behind. I know Disneyland like the back of my aging hand and knew the areas that I would need to walk, aka the hills. So I walked and jogged and walked and jogged and saw Julann and saw Cassi and Kendra and Kara. We ran through Disneyland and California Adventure. The end was near. I rounded the corner into Cars Land and could see the Finish Line. YES! The finish line. People were lined up and cheering us on. I jogged down the street and crossed the finish line. My time wasn't very fast but it wasn't bad. 43 minutes. THERE WERE A LOT OF PEOPLE. I collected my "medal" which was not made of metal but was cute none-the-less. I got my snack pack and I watched as the other runners crossed the finish line.
I took pictures and had a huge smile on my face. We went out for a celebratory breakfast complete with Mimosas.
Do Viking Woman Run? I don't know if all Viking Women Run, but this one will keep trying.
This just made my night. I have had such a long hard day and all of a sudden your face shows up! You forgot to say how much you rocked this race! How you ran more than you walked, how you passed so many people, how you were not swept, how you finished with a great time. You you FINISHED!!!! I am so proud of you!