Missy Gregory, Viking Woman!

Missy Gregory, Viking Woman!
Do Viking Women Run?!?

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Secret Slob

Shhhhh..... Don't tell anyone, but I am a secret slob. Actually, who am I kidding? Many of you may already know this about me and are snorting and saying "who is she kidding!?" My personality is an "all or nothing" type of OCD. If I can't have it perfect, I don't want it at all. Yep, that sums it up.

I decided that it was time...I needed to clean my counter off. I knew there was money and Starbucks cards hiding beneath the pile of junk, so that added to the tiny pinch of motivation mixed with a huge tablespoon of repulsion and a dash of fear that someone might actually see this mess that I call home encouraged me to get the shovel out. Here is the before picture.

Yes, like I said, I am a closet slob.

A lot of that pile was trash. Some of the things had actual homes. "A place for everything, and everything in it's place" is my cleaning mantra.

Doesn't it feel good to organize and clean something? Maybe that's why I let things get so bad. I love that excellent feeling if accomplishment that one gets after making something that is SO wrong right again.

Here is my clean, sparkling sense of accomplishment.

Yep, there really is a counter under there along with a Baggie full of change and three, count em, three Starbucks cards. Score!!

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Sunday, February 3, 2013

Football Funday

Today is Superbowl Sunday, Football Funday.

I don't really watch football. In fact, if football is on tv it has the effect of lulling me to sleep better than a Tylenol PM/NyQuil cocktail.

But today is different. I love going to our annual party and noshing on all the delicious treats everyone has prepared for the big game. I love how everyone dresses up in their football best. I love watching the commercials, AND, I will even muster some enthusiasm for the game itself.

This year the party will take on a New Orleans theme. I wanted to bring shrimp toasts, but I have never made them before and they seem to be a little to labor intensive after a long weekend of dog shows. So, I have decided to stick with the shrimp and put them on sticks. Ha. I'm gonna make BBQ'd Cajun shrimp on skewers with a remoulade dipping sauce. Sounds scrumptious? Just take a look at these babies!!

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Location:E Mead Pl,Chandler,United States